Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под горячую чашку "Dear deer" изящный, элегантный, благородный олень замер в ожидании
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters "Сhanterelle from Tatyshev Island"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Лисичка с острова Татышев"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Маленький лис" красавец составит компанию за чаем
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters "Fox from the Stolby reserve"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters "I am a fish"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS:Подставка под чашку "Барсук" предпочитает горячий чай с клюквой
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters "Jake the Dog"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под кружку "Jake the Dog" из мультсериала Время приключений
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS:Подставка под чашку "Приветливый маяк" мелькнул по дороге домой
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Marine" спящая, сонная, нежная
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Чудесный пловец" могучий любит нежиться в лазури
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters "Fox with flowers"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Handcrafted wooden beverage coasters Henri Matisse "Embrace"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку Анри Матисс "Объятия"
Henri Matisse (1869 -1954) - выдающийся французский художник.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Птички" уже счастливые насовсем вместе
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Подставка под чашку "Парящий журавлик" неотъемлемое присутствие лёгкости
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Двусторонняя подставка под чашку "Зимний олень"
Double-sided wooden beverage coaster "Little Star Friends"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS:Двусторонняя подставка под чашку "Маленькие звёздные друзья" Звёздный олень и трогательная подруга лисёна
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- mats are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - mats are laquer coated to withstand boiling hot temperature, scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- miniature wood paintings are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - miniature wood paintings are laquer coated to withstand scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
RUS: Cерия работ "Движимые любовью к звёздному небу"
Miniature wood paintings "Delightful Little Prince"
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- miniature wood paintings are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - miniature wood paintings are laquer coated to withstand scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- miniature wood paintings are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - miniature wood paintings are laquer coated to withstand scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- miniature wood paintings are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - miniature wood paintings are laquer coated to withstand scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.
Here you can buy unique goods handcrafted in far Siberian land; such cold place that snow and even noses are crisp here.:)
Brrr, feel cold? Let's go!
What you get:
- miniature wood paintings are made and decorated by hands; - paintings are made using artist acrylic paints "Ladoga"; - miniature wood paintings are laquer coated to withstand scratches and oil spils; - 100% Siberian Pine wood core. We don't use any kind of plywood, plastics or MDF. We use organic core to ensure your safety. It is hard to mass produce and easy to use.